MICHEL Mikaia Valison

Mikaia Valison | Mechanical Engineer

Mechanical Engineer | Freelance

I am Mikaia Valison, full-time freelancer in Mechanical Engineering, a content creator and project owner. I am more specialized in Computer-Aided Design (CAD), M-CAD, Reverse Engineering and numerical simulation (FEA, CFD and Thermal Analysis). Actually, you can see me on many freelancing platforms and Social media mainly on FiverrUpwork and LinkedIn.

I have a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineer and studied this field at Polytechnic School of Antsiranana (ESP-D) / Madagascar. Besides, I have learned English at English Teaching Program (ETP) to improve my languages skills.

Self-employed, self-disciplined, self-learner,  open-minded and understanding. I am able to work on any new and challenging projects.

Some brief about my professional experience.


Now, I work at Tuleva, a company working in Energy and Lithium battery, as a Design Engineer. I am a Designer in the company who create a Design Layout and perform some numerical simulation for some projects.

I started working in July 2021 at NRobotics, a fresh company working in robotics field, as a Design Engineer. My main task is to create a robotics rotative actuator (reducer) design. You can see the animation on the homepage. Furthermore, I have assisted during prototyping and testing. I have worked in that company for about 10 months.

I joined Loowatt a company operate in sanitation, in 2018. I had worked in this company for 15 months as a Design Engineer. I did mainly a research and Development starting from design, prototyping and production. 

I was an Internship at Adema  (Madagascar Airport) in 2012. Our training focused more on Malagasy Airport maintenance by working with mechanical department and the Electrical and Airport Equipment (SEM) department.

I was an Internship at Jirama, an Electricity  Provider company in Madagascar in 2010. We did a daily Hydroelectric group maintenance, Mechanical repair and maintenance and some electric tasks.

I was a volunteer at STEM4GOOD Madagascar and I was one of the mentors of the Malagasy team for the FGC 2020 and 2021. I used my skills to teach and train young people passionate in STEM about CAD design and Engineering. Actually, I still train some members of FGC team.

Now, I have my own Youtube channel calls CAD T&Ts for teaching and sharing tips and tricks about CAD, CAM and CAE software.

I am an autodidact person. I almost learn new things by myself. Thus, I have a variety of skills that are not related to mechanics such as graphic design, translation, transcription, programming, video editing, audio editing, 3D, web design, Office tasks, …etc. You can check some of the work I did on my portfolio.

I am more interested in energy, materials, recycling, IT, automotive, aeronautics, farming, and technology.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you need my help and services.

Mikaia Valison.

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